Onalaska United Methodist Church Stephen Ministry Mission Statement
The mission of Stephen Ministry is to love all people unconditionally, prepare our hearts, minds & hands, serve in all the ways we can, and celebrate God in all we do.
What is a Stephen Minister?
Stephen Ministers are members of our
congregation who are specially trained to
listen, care, encourage and support people
who are going through tough times.
Stephen Leaders are members of our
congregation who lead this caring ministry.
When do you need a Stephen Minister?
We all experience challenges in life, but sometimes we need support of a caring, trained, Christian caregiver. Stephen Ministers are ready to provide the care you need when faced with a crisis, such as:
- Loss of a loved one through death, or the end of a relationship
- Job loss/unemployment
- Depression
- Loneliness
- Hospitalization
- Terminal illness
- Caring for a loved one with a terminal illness
- Many more of life’s situations — Stephen Ministry is for anyone
How do I receive a Stephen Minister?
Call the church office at 608-783-3380 and you will be put in contact with a Stephen Leader.
If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, the next Training Course begins in January 2021!
- Once a week on Thursday evenings, beginning January 14
- Zoom meeting – you won’t need to travel during the winter months!
- 6-8:30 pm
- Open to any interested church member
- Stephen Ministers are chosen through application & interview process
- Contact Becky Barnes or Melissa de Boer
- If you have questions or want to learn more, join us for a Zoom Informational Meeting on Thursday, December 10 at 6:00 pm. ZOOM LINK:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82877482230?pwd=a1d4NTQyb3NiTDU1alM5ZjNiZS8vdz09