Our faith community is centered in worship. All are welcome to our worship services. We are a thinking congregation that does not require you to check your brain at the door when you come to worship. The preaching portion of our worship is intended to engage you, challenge you, give you pause and make you laugh; perhaps all in the same sermon! Our hope is that worship helps sustain you on your journey of life and faith.
Our 8:30am classic worship service has more traditional liturgy and hymns, while our 11:00am praise service has less formal structure and more contemporary music led by our praise team. We offer child care in our nursery for infants through 4-year-olds at both worship services.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is served at both worship services on the first Sunday of the month and at other seasonal services such as Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday. The United Methodist Church celebrates an open communion table, which means that all who are worshiping with us are invited to share in the sacrament. You need not be United Methodist or a member of our congregation.
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